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Proxmox VE API. Storage.


Description: Storage index.

User Permissions Description
all N/A Only list entries where you have 'Datastore.Audit' or 'Datastore.AllocateSpace' permissions on '/storage/'


Name Type Format Description Optional
type string N/A Only list storage of specific type


Name Type Format Description Optional
storage string N/A N/A

HTTP GET /api2/json/storage
CLI pvesh get /storage

Description: Create a new storage.

User Permissions Description
N/A [u'perm', u'/storage', [u'Datastore.Allocate']] N/A


Name Type Format Description Optional
saferemove_throughput string N/A Wipe throughput (cstream -t parameter value).
comstar_hg string N/A host group for comstar views
export string pve-storage-path NFS export path.
transport string N/A Gluster transport: tcp or rdma
iscsiprovider string N/A iscsi provider
vgname string pve-storage-vgname Volume group name.
redundancy integer N/A The redundancy count specifies the number of nodes to which the resource should be deployed. It must be at least 1 and at most the number of nodes in the cluster.
storage string pve-storage-id The storage identifier.
content string pve-storage-content-list Allowed content types. Note: value 'rootdir' is used for Containers, and value 'images' for KVM-Qemu VM's.
monhost string N/A Monitors daemon ips.
blocksize string N/A block size
shared boolean N/A Mark storage as shared.
nodes string pve-node-list List of cluster node names.
type string N/A Storage type.
username string N/A RBD Id.
maxfiles integer N/A Maximal number of backup files per VM. Use '0' for unlimted.
format string pve-storage-format Default Image format.
nowritecache boolean N/A disable write caching on the target
comstar_tg string N/A target group for comstar views
volume string N/A Glusterfs Volume.
krbd boolean N/A Access rbd through krbd kernel module.
base string pve-volume-id Base volume. This volume is automatically activated.
portal string pve-storage-portal-dns iSCSI portal (IP or DNS name with optional port).
path string pve-storage-path File system path.
pool string N/A Pool.
target string N/A iSCSI target.
authsupported string N/A Authsupported.
saferemove boolean N/A Zero-out data when removing LVs.
server string pve-storage-server Server IP or DNS name.
disable boolean N/A Flag to disable the storage.
sparse boolean N/A use sparse volumes
options string pve-storage-options NFS mount options (see 'man nfs')

HTTP POST /api2/json/storage
CLI pvesh create /storage


Description: Read storage configuration.

User Permissions Description
N/A [u'perm', u'/storage/{storage}', [u'Datastore.Allocate']] N/A


Name Type Format Description Optional
storage string pve-storage-id The storage identifier.

HTTP GET /api2/json/storage/{storage}
CLI pvesh get /storage/{storage}

Description: Update storage configuration.

User Permissions Description
N/A [u'perm', u'/storage', [u'Datastore.Allocate']] N/A


Name Type Format Description Optional
blocksize string N/A block size
comstar_hg string N/A host group for comstar views
transport string N/A Gluster transport: tcp or rdma
redundancy integer N/A The redundancy count specifies the number of nodes to which the resource should be deployed. It must be at least 1 and at most the number of nodes in the cluster.
storage string pve-storage-id The storage identifier.
content string pve-storage-content-list Allowed content types. Note: value 'rootdir' is used for Containers, and value 'images' for KVM-Qemu VM's.
digest string N/A Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA1 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.
saferemove_throughput string N/A Wipe throughput (cstream -t parameter value).
shared boolean N/A Mark storage as shared.
nodes string pve-node-list List of cluster node names.
username string N/A RBD Id.
maxfiles integer N/A Maximal number of backup files per VM. Use '0' for unlimted.
format string pve-storage-format Default Image format.
nowritecache boolean N/A disable write caching on the target
comstar_tg string N/A target group for comstar views
krbd boolean N/A Access rbd through krbd kernel module.
disable boolean N/A Flag to disable the storage.
pool string N/A Pool.
saferemove boolean N/A Zero-out data when removing LVs.
server string pve-storage-server Server IP or DNS name.
sparse boolean N/A use sparse volumes
options string pve-storage-options NFS mount options (see 'man nfs')
delete string pve-configid-list A list of settings you want to delete.

HTTP PUT /api2/json/storage/{storage}
CLI pvesh set /storage/{storage}

Description: Delete storage configuration.

User Permissions Description
N/A [u'perm', u'/storage', [u'Datastore.Allocate']] N/A


Name Type Format Description Optional
storage string pve-storage-id The storage identifier.

HTTP DELETE /api2/json/storage/{storage}
CLI pvesh delete /storage/{storage}

Proxmox VE API. Access.
Proxmox VE API. Cluster.
Proxmox VE API. Pools.
Proxmox VE API. Versions.
Proxmox VE API. Nodes.

Дата последней правки: 2015-12-25 15:11:33

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